Listen to the experts the aim of the [Islamic State] ruins ...

Islamic countries - Wikipedia

Listen to the experts the aim of the [Islamic State] ruins ... Islamic countries (Islamic bodied) Muslim country - that of the country in which Muslims are many Islam has become a center of society. Including countries that do not state religion Islam. Islamic countries. Islamic state - Islam was the state religion Sharia (Islamic law) is the law country, Umma. Islamic empire - empire on the history of government that believe in Islam had been operated. Afghanistan Islamic countries - Afghanistan of the country in which the Northern Alliance to rule that existed over the 00 years from the year. ISIL (aka: IS, ISIS, Daishu ) - Iraq and the Islamic extremist organization to carry out, such as terrorism activities mainly in Syria (and translate the self-proclaimed [Islamic State]). History, is to be deployed terrorism by the most brutal methods. From other nations, it has not been approved as an independent nation. Countries around the world, in response to the terrorist execution successive by ISIL, has developed a strategy action towards the crush.

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