Listen to the experts the aim of the [Islamic State] ruins ...


Listen to the experts the aim of the [Islamic State] ruins ... Iraq History The new nation-building - [Iraqi National Assembly elections] 00 years --- the United States forces in Fallujah, to expand the mopping-up operations of the armed forces. 00 years --- the Iraqi National Assembly elections will be held. Is the is selected is [the time being of the members]. Since independence of the year, an election that people are free to choose the legislators was the first time. Turnout. . Nationwide It was carried out in the proportional representation system to be one of the electoral districts. Forces dissatisfied with the of this was done in the United States of pushing the election, such as the suicide bombing aimed at the polling stations occurred frequently, sacrifice Who came out number. President Hussein had been oppression al-Qaida. If Hussein is arrested execution, al-Qaeda people It came into Iraq. If the United States is occupying Iraq, al-Qaeda is to prevent the democratization by the United States Order in, has caused the terrorism in Iraq around.

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